Saturday, April 9, 2011

Lazarus Come Forth!

My pastor is doing a series leading up to Easter and last week he talked about Jesus when He performed the miracle of raising Lazarus from the dead. This event turned the tide of opinion for some and they began to plot against him. Imagine the people who saw Jesus call forth Lazarus from his grave. As he came forth he stood before them in grave clothes that had to be shed.

Just as Jesus called forth Lazarus, each of us who are saved were "dead in our trespasses" and have been called up out of the pit to new life in Christ. Have you heard Him call your name? One day over 31 years ago Jesus called, "Pam Come Forth!" and I came up out of the depths to stand in newness of life. I still had my grave clothes on but soon, they were falling aside, exchanged for a garment of praise. Oh, what joy, a new creature in Christ, peace that passed understanding, forgiveness, forever ahead and the pit of the past behind.

Just as Jesus performed a miracle that day when He called Lazarus, each new life of transformation is a miracle performed by the Author and Finisher of faith. He is long suffering, merciful, not willing that any should perish. Have you heard Him call your name?