Monday, July 21, 2014

RE Words

In a recent training workshop on eliminating waste in business, the presenter said “RE” words always indicate WASTE. For example, reprocess, rework, reset, etc. That statement got me thinking about how opposite it is in the Christian life and the value of “RE” words.  These "RE" words show us that with God, nothing is ever wasted!

o   We REPENT of sin and call on the Name of the Lord

o   He REDEEMS our life and buys us back; He is the REDEEMER

o   He REMAKES us into new creatures in Christ

o   He RENEWS our mind

o   He RESTORES our broken lives

o   He REVIVES our heart when we are weary and weak

o   He RESETS our life with new mercies and grace every morning because 
He is the God of new beginnings