Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Amy Carmichael, Missionary to India

I just finished a biography about Amy and was inspired by her journey. She was turned down in the early years by mission agencies because of her health. She suffered what was called in that day neuralgia, which seemed to speak to me about my battle with fibromyalgia. It was difficult at times but she pressed on. After finally ending up in India, she ministered for over fifty years there, the last several years mostly confined to her room after a fall.

Amy said she preferred to burn out rather than rust out! Her story gave me renewed vision to press on in spite of the days when the physical ailments cause a distraction. There is work to be done, He has a purpose for me, and He promises fruitfulness as our age advances. What joy! God is never done using His saints though the world may discount our worth as we age.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Hot Air Balloons

When I think of hot air balloons, I think of them soaring against the backdrop of a blue sky, soaring unhindered as they are designed to do. But what about us? Are we soaring like we were created to do in Christ? Ephesians 1:3 tells us we are blessed in Christ with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places. The first Bible study I attended was on the Book of Ephesians and I remember being in awe that we are accepted in the Beloved with a spiritual inheritance :-)

Recently I read Galatians 5:1, "Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage." The scripture once more reminded me of hot air balloons and how we are meant to soar in victory. However, sometimes we allow ourselves to become tethered again to the ground, entangled in the yoke of bondage and sin, earth bound rather than living our position in Christ in heavenly places.

When we find ourselves tethered it is time to take inventory of what we have allowed to tie us down when we were designed to soar! Maybe the basket has taken on too much weight and it is time to throw some of the useless spiritual saboteurs overboard. In Ps. 51:12 David prayed that the joy of his salvation would be restored; may we do likewise if it has been awhile since we have sailed through the blue skies.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

The February Flood

In 29 years we have had a bit of water now and then in the basement but nothing like The February Flood of 2011. When I looked downstairs that morning and saw a plastic container floating merrily by the basement stairs I knew this was unlike anything we had ever experienced.

Perspective helps. I was thankful that the water wasn't in our living space like I have seen many times on newscasts. Thankful the house wasn't swept away as I have seen countless times too. We had an irritation on our hands but not a tragedy. Cleaning the basement has been long overdue with nearly 30 years accumulation so this was a good opportunity to get a start on the clutter; we had no choice now.

I discovered something about these kinds of chores - they are much more fun when a grandchild is present. Alex came to help us out - a strong, healthy 13 year old with a good attitude. Now that is a silver lining to a cloud! He spent the day and ran up and down the steps numerous times with loads of junk for the trash and loads of treasures for the thrift. At the end of a long day we had a bonfire in the back yard with some of the drier boxes that the trash couldn't accommodate. It was a boy's reward for a day of hard work. For a brief moment I felt I was transported back about 13 years in time and it was David poking around the fire pit. There's something about boys and fire - their eyes dance with excitement and they are focused on the seriousness of the "job" set before them. Now it was Alex before me...and yet, I thought I saw a glimpse of David in an earlier time :-)

A grandson is a treasure for sure but one who loves Jesus and wants to hang out with his grandparents is a rare and precious treasure indeed. This grandmother is blessed...and The Flood of 2011 just polished the treasure and made it shine a little brighter.