Sunday, March 13, 2011

The February Flood

In 29 years we have had a bit of water now and then in the basement but nothing like The February Flood of 2011. When I looked downstairs that morning and saw a plastic container floating merrily by the basement stairs I knew this was unlike anything we had ever experienced.

Perspective helps. I was thankful that the water wasn't in our living space like I have seen many times on newscasts. Thankful the house wasn't swept away as I have seen countless times too. We had an irritation on our hands but not a tragedy. Cleaning the basement has been long overdue with nearly 30 years accumulation so this was a good opportunity to get a start on the clutter; we had no choice now.

I discovered something about these kinds of chores - they are much more fun when a grandchild is present. Alex came to help us out - a strong, healthy 13 year old with a good attitude. Now that is a silver lining to a cloud! He spent the day and ran up and down the steps numerous times with loads of junk for the trash and loads of treasures for the thrift. At the end of a long day we had a bonfire in the back yard with some of the drier boxes that the trash couldn't accommodate. It was a boy's reward for a day of hard work. For a brief moment I felt I was transported back about 13 years in time and it was David poking around the fire pit. There's something about boys and fire - their eyes dance with excitement and they are focused on the seriousness of the "job" set before them. Now it was Alex before me...and yet, I thought I saw a glimpse of David in an earlier time :-)

A grandson is a treasure for sure but one who loves Jesus and wants to hang out with his grandparents is a rare and precious treasure indeed. This grandmother is blessed...and The Flood of 2011 just polished the treasure and made it shine a little brighter.

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