Monday, January 18, 2010

A Pastor's Heart

On January 10th at 5:30 a.m. the phone rang at my pastor's house. The son of his dear friend in Africa called to tell him that his father had died that morning while preaching. Twenty-five years ago when my pastor was a new missionary in Africa, Pastor John McKay was the national who took him under his wing and taught him how to be a pastor. Pastor McKay always wanted him to come to preach his funeral should he die first. In his words, he had to go; relationships matter more than anything; this was his friend. He went on to tell the church that this would be a personal expense.

Following the service many in the congregation felt compelled that we should come together as a church and pay for his trip. Before that could even occur, by Monday morning someone had come forward to buy the ticket to Africa and another had purchased his own ticket to go as a travel companion. As funds continued to come in throughout the day, Pastor wanted everyone to know that the trip was paid for but he would take the donations in cash to help nationals in need, but only if the donor agreed. He said he was overwhelmed and blessed by all who wanted to support him on this journey.

Yesterday we heard some of the details of the trip. People began arriving on Thursday to camp out for a Saturday funeral. Attendance was more than 700 so tents were erected adjacent to the church. Many came from across Africa to pay their tribute and respect to Pastor McKay and the funeral lasted from 2:00 - 9:30 p.m. Pastor also preached in their church on Sunday morning.

It was a huge blessing to see the Lord move in hearts and provide for Pastor Jerry's trip to his beloved nation of Africa to honor a friend's wishes. We continue to pray for a safe journey home and for abundant fruit from his ministry there.

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