Friday, April 3, 2009


Reading the headlines leaves me in disbelief. How can it be that right is called wrong and sin is exalted? The Bible warns of all that we see unfolding before our eyes and yet it is hard to imagine how we have arrived here. We are pilgrims and sojourners :-) in a foreign land.

May we keep our eyes above and cherish each gift He provides day by day. We are clothed, warm, fed, enjoying the love of family, friends, our church. The Word of God is available to us, Christian radio, the beauty of the sky, sun, moon and stars, laughter with friends, creative thoughts and energy, and hope infused by the Holy Spirit when discouragement threatens our peace.

May we remain faithful in the midst of a faithless world. God is on the throne and none of this is catching Him by surprise.

Psalm 121 - Lift up our eyes to the hills, our help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth.

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