Monday, February 18, 2008

The Value of Mentors

I've been blessed over the years to know godly women who are further along in this journey. I've learned so much from them about life and faith. Ellen entered my life in 1982 shortly after the death of my first husband. I attended a Bible Study and only slightly knew the woman who invited me. That evening I met Ellen. She had recently retired and often said that when she went home that night the Lord spoke to her heart that he had given her two daughters (the other "daughter" was a friend who attended with me).

Over the years she taught me much about the Bible, was willing to be transparent about her own struggles and victories, and she held me accountable for my actions and attitudes. But first and foremost she loved me unconditionally and became a mother to me (mine had died suddenly when I was 19). We shared many times together over a cup of tea, spent countless hours on the telephone, and corresponded through snail mail and later email. What a gift she gave me over the years as she prayed for me and for our family.

Last year Ellen's health worsened and she moved out of state to live with her daughter. After a further decline in her health she was transferred to an assisted living/nursing home. We had a long conversation recently and when I commented on her cheerfulness, she said, "I have a life of ease." :-) She will be 89 in June and is still pressing on in her journey.

One of Ellen's favorite quotes is: My blessings are more than my miseries!

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